Home EDFA and EYDFA for CATV
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EDFA and EYDFA Optical Fiber Amplifiers for CATV Applications


The OAB-C series of high performance, high output power and low noise amplifiers provide the perfect opportunity to build flexible CATV network systems. OAB-C series offer a very wide range of output power with very high reliability.

Wide range of Total Output Power from 14 dBm to 36dBm

  • Low noise figure
  • Multi-Output Option up to 8 ports
  • RS232 or USB interface
  • Custom design flexibility

EDFAs with Total output power from 14 dBm to 27 dBm OAB-C-E Datasheet

YEDFAs with Total output power from 30 dBm to 36 dBm OAB-C-EY Datasheet



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