Home Pulse Fiber Laser Pulse Fiber Laser 1.5 μm
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Pulsed Fiber Laser at 1.5μm


The PFL Series are maintenance-free Pulsed Fiber Lasers designed for different custom applications. These Pulsed Fiber Lasers deliver up to 5W of average output power, through a near diffraction limited beam with a peak power up to 10kW. The all-fiber design guarantees the robustness of the lasers, without any optical parts to align or to stabilize, which can operate under high shock, vibration and dust condition. Pulse repetition rate and output power can be controlled by RS232 or USB, which allows a simple integration into customer setup.

  • Average output power from 20 mW to 5 W
  • Peak power up to 10 kW
  • Wavelength range in 1.5 μm
  • Pulse duration from 1,5 to 100 ns
  • Near diffraction limited beam
  • RS232 or USB interface
  • Custom design flexibility

Multi Kilowatt High Power Pulsed Fiber Laser at 1.5 μm PFL-EY Datasheet



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